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Welcome to Azusa High School Athletics

Azusa High School is proud of its athletic teams and the support we receive from parents and our community. We strive to help students reach their potential and make sports enjoyable. Our philosophy is to be all-inclusive in encouraging students to participate and compete. Sports teach students discipline and teamwork, skills that will serve them well throughout school and their career.   

First page of the PDF file: ATHLETICSCONTACTS24-251

Athletic Participation at Azusa HS 2023-2024

Total female enrollment 745 students
Total male enrollment 879 students
Total female participation in sports 229 females
Total male participation in sports 290 males
Female sports Teams 11 teams
Male sports Teams 9 teams
Co-ed sports Teams 3 teams


Athletics Information

Clearances and  Physicals for the 2024-25 school year are now being accepted. 

IMPORTANT: Your Athletic Clearance must run through your season of sport or you will be required to get a new one before being allowed on the team. You will not be allowed in an Athletic Period without a Physical that is good for the school year.

  • Students must have the Medical History Form completed prior to getting the Physical
  • Students may download the physical forms and/or go into the Activities Office to pick up the forms. (Summer Break-pick up physical forms in the Main Office)

Visit the link below and complete the online Athletic Clearance

  • CIF mandated all athletes must be covered by insurance in order to participate in any try-outs, practices or games. If you do not have insurance coverage, you may purchase coverage through Meyers, Stephens & Toohey. 

You may pick up a Physical Form from the Activities or Main Offices and/or download it from or from the document section on this page. Take the Physical Form to your health care provider and have it completed prior to filling out the
online Athletic Clearance Forms. Please make sure the Physician SIGNS and STAMPS BOTH SIDES OF THE PHYSICAL FORM.
Visit the link below and complete the online questionnaire and upload your Physical Form.
1. Register at
2. Select CA and either log in or create an account.
3. Select school year (2024-2025), school (Azusa High School) and sport(s). If you play multiple sports, please select those sports as well.
4. Complete all sections, beginning with the Student Information Section through the Signature pages. These forms may be downloaded to keep as a reference.
5. Upload your Athletic Physical Forms.
6. Sign the Confirmation Section for completion.

Athletes may not participate until they’re CLEARED by the Athletic Department. An email notification will be sent out once the Athletics Department has REVIEWED and CLEARED the athlete for participation.
Coaches will receive notification including Emergency Information.

DO NOT give Athletic Clearance documents to a coach or leave on a desk. Clearances must be uploaded to ONLY.
Still have questions? Call the Activities & Athletics Office at 626-815-5225.

The following links are resources to help guide you through the Athletic Clearances process. 

  • You can use the following Video to provide you with a more visual guide to the clearance process.
  • Please use the following Handout to help guide you through the Athletic Clearance process
  • Frequently Asked Questions link Knowledge Base

Interested in College Athletics?


Fall Sports

  • Cheer
  • Girls' Cross Country
  • Boys' Cross Country
  • Football
  • Girls' Flag Football
  • Girls' Golf
  • Girls' Tennis
  • Girls' Volleyball

Winter Sports

  • Boys' Basketball
  • Girls' Basketball
  • Boys' Soccer
  • Girls' Soccer
  • Wrestling

Spring Sports

  • Co-Ed Badminton
  • Baseball
  • Competition Cheer
  • Boys' Golf
  • Softball
  • Swimming
  • Boys' Tennis
  • Boys' Track
  • Girls' Track
  • Boys Volleyball


Physical Form



Procedimiento de autorización 

Formulario para físico


Student Athletic Insurance

Need Student Athletic Insurance? 

Myers Stevens

Athletic Director

Albert Sanchez

Phone Numbers:
School: ext. 3447