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Special Education

Special Education Department Courses

Special Day Class (SDC) - Individual student placement determined by IEP team. Students may enroll in Reading Essentials, Integrated Math I, Integrated Math II, Integrated Math III, with special education services provided. Work experience opportunities are available. 

Resource Specialist Program (RSP) - Individual student placement determined by IEP Team. Students are enrolled in special education classes less than 50% of their day. They are serviced within the regular classroom with support from the RSP teacher and aide. They may take Reading Essentials, CAHSEE Math, CAHSEE LA, Pre-Algebra, or Algebra I classes in RSP as determined by their RSP teacher.

Reading Essentials I (RSP) | LA145R | Grades 9-11 | Year
This course must be taken concurrently with English I, II, or III.  Designed to help students master reading and writing through guided instruction in understanding literary and informational text, development of clear, coherent and focused essays and practice in narrative, expository, persuasive and descriptive essays.

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