Physical Education
About the Physical Education Department
According the graduation requirements section, students must pass 20 credits of physical education in order to graduate. Department Grading Policy A student’s physical education grade is based on active participation, cooperation, sportsmanship, knowledge of rules and competence in each activity. All ninth graders (including those on an athletic team) are required to be enrolled in Course I.
Medical Excuses: For students with medical needs a doctor's note must be presented to the Guidance Office.
Dress: TOP – Aztec P.E. shirt available from P.E. office - $8.00 BOTTOM – Black shorts available from P.E. Office - $12.00 SWEATS – Plain black or Aztec sweats - $15.00
Course I | PE16 | Grade 9 | Year
Provides daily exercise, promotes strength, flexibility and endurance. Dual sports, dance/rhythms, aquatics, and fitness activities are covered in Course I. Course I provides the first opportunity for students to pass the high school Physical Fitness test.
Course II | PE42 | Grade 10 | Year
Provides daily exercise, promotes strength, flexibility and endurance. Team activities, gymnastics/tumbling, combatives, and fitness activities are covered in Course II.
Weight Training/Conditioning | PE21 | Grades 11-12 | Year
Prerequisite: Completion of Course I and Course II.
Includes weight training and other physical education activities. This section is for the regular physical education student.
Athletics | PE26 | Grades 11-12 | Year
Prerequisite: For athletes only, instructor permission required.
Sports physical education students participating in (one) of the following sports and successfully completing the season receive 2.5 units of elective PE credit per sport. Physical Education credit may be used in the 11th and 12th grade year, providing the Physical Fitness test has been passed and Course I & II have been completed.
Physical Fitness Test
State-mandated physical fitness testing is administered each year in March and April. Students must enroll in a P.E. class until the physical fitness test is passed.
Fall Sports
- Girls' Cross Country
- Boys' Cross Country
- Football
- Girls' Golf
- Girls' Tennis
- Girls' Volleyball
Winter Sports
- Girls' Basketball
- Boys' Basketball
- Girls' Soccer
- Boys' Soccer
- Wrestling
Spring Sports
- Co-Ed Badminton
- Baseball
- Softball
- Boys' Golf
- Boys' Tennis
- Boys' Track
- Girls' Track
- Swimming