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Students with books and computers

AVID is not just another program— at its heart, AVID is a philosophy.

Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge.

AVID Courses

AVID 9     ND914                                                         
This is a one year course - two consecutive semesters. The AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) course is an elective class for students who are college-bound.  The AVID curriculum focuses on writing, inquiry, collaboration and reading (WICR) through both teacher and tutor-led activities.  While concurrently enrolled in a college-prep (A-G) course of study, students learn strategies to enhance success.  Note-taking, outlining, writing, speaking, reading, test-taking strategies and self-awareness are all developed and integrated.  In addition, the course offers team-building activities and intensive preparation for the ACT, and SAT. This course meets the “G” requirement for a-g.

AVID 10   ND914                                    
Prerequisite:  Selection process, 2.4 – 3.5 GPA
This is a one year course - two consecutive semesters. The 10th grade AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) class is a continuation of the 9th grade class.  The AVID course is an elective class for students who are college-bound.  The AVID curriculum focuses on writing, inquiry, collaboration and reading (WICR) through both teacher and tutor-led activities.  While concurrently enrolled in a college-prep (A-G) course of study, students learn strategies to enhance success.  Note-taking, outlining, writing, speaking, reading, test-taking strategies and self-awareness are all developed and integrated.  In addition, the course offers team-building activities and intensive preparation for the CAHSEE, ACT, and SAT. This course meets the “G” requirement for a-g.

AVID 11   ND915                                         
This is a one year course - two consecutive semesters. This AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) class is a continuation of the 10th grade class.  In addition to the skills learned in grades 9 and 10, the AVID course for junior year prepares students for entrance into four-year colleges by emphasizing analytical writing, preparation for college entrance and placement exams, college study skills, oral language development, note taking and research.  Students are expected to participate in and eventually act as moderators for Socratic Seminars and other student-led discussions.  In addition, students are required to make oral presentations to the class on topics related to career searches, contemporary issues and social concerns. This course meets the “G” requirement for a-g.

 AVID Senior Seminar  ND916                    
This is a one year course - two consecutive semesters. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Senior Seminar builds upon the skills learned during grade 11 in addition to guidance for college selection and application processes, scholarship applications, and financial aid assistance.  Senior students will focus on reinforcing college level skills such as public speaking and active reading.  In addition, they will further develop their research skills through class discussions, group projects, a final research paper on leadership, poverty, or community issues, and a final, culminating portfolio. The goal is for seniors to leave Azusa High with a strong sense of community, self-awareness, and well-rounded interests to inform future academic and professional plans.  This course meets the “G” requirement for a-g.

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Tools 4Ever


Tools 4Ever


Patricia Abalo

Titles: Teacher K-8
Locations: Magnolia, Magnolia Certificated

Lorena Abdo Palomo

Titles: Teacher K-8
Locations: Paramount

Safiyyah Abdul Hakim

Titles: Teacher - Substitute

Gianina Abenojar


AUSD Accounting


AUSD Accounting


Mia Aceves

Titles: Noon Supervisor

Adrian Acosta

Titles: Principal Elementary
Locations: Murray Administration