Career Tech Ed Computer Science
CTE Computer Science Pathway
ROP Computers & IT ROP07
This is a one-year course - two consecutive semesters. The Computers and IT course provides an overview of information technology (IT) today. This foundational course provides students with an introduction to programming in Python, common types of operating systems, internet literacy, hardware, and software applications. Students will use Drone technology and an interactive online curriculum to apply their programming and tech skills as well as discover careers that exist in IT today. This course meets the “G” requirement for a-g.
AP Computer Science Principles IA719
This is a one-year course - two consecutive semesters. Students work in teams to develop computational thinking and solve problems. Structured activities progress to open-ended projects and problems that require planning, documentation, communication, and other professional skills. Problems aim for ground-level entry with no ceiling: all students can successfully engage the problems while students showing greater achievement are challenged to work further. There are five primary course objectives which include: to develop problem-solving and computational thinking skills, to generate excitement about the field of computing, to introduce computational tools that foster creativity, to build awareness of career opportunities in all fields for people with computational skills, to consider issues raised by the present and future societal impact of computing. This course meets the “G” requirement for a-g.