Automotive Technology
Automotive Technology Courses
All technology classes are co-educational and meet the career-related graduation requirement. Students are encouraged to challenge stereotypes and enroll in classes where their gender is under-represented.
ROP Auto Tech | ROP16 | Grades 9-12 | Year
This is a one year course - two consecutive semesters. This entry-level exploratory course demonstrates and uses work on automobiles to teach students basic maintenance skills while introducing them to the major systems common to all vehicles. The class includes units on tires, lubrication, electrical, brake, fuel and cooling systems, as well as troubleshooting and the use of state of the art diagnostic equipment. Also included is a unit on what to look for in purchasing a used car. While this course is required for students who wish to take automotive occupations classes, it is designed for students with no knowledge of how automobiles work as well. The goal of the course is to give students enough background to enable them to communicate effectively with Technicians when having work done. This course meets the “G” requirement for a-g.
ROP Auto Tech Adv | ROP17 | Grades 10-12 | Year
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Auto Tech 1-2 with a grade of “C” or better or teacher recommendation.
This is a one year course - two consecutive semesters. Students will work on actual cars to learn how to perform various maintenance tasks and repairs, using modern diagnostic equipment. Curriculum includes engine overhaul, front-end alignment, collision repair, transmission removal and clutch work. Students are also introduced to basic collision repair.
Auto 3 HEV Design | IA713 | Grades 10-12 | Year
Prerequisite: Students must be in the 10th - 12th grade and successful completion of Auto 2 HEV with a grade of “C” or better or teacher recommendation. This is a one year course - two consecutive semesters. In this capstone course for the Automotive Technology pathway, students learn the basics of hybrid/electric vehicle technology and culminate with the design and construction of a registered electric vehicle. Students will understand the science of electric propulsion, circuitry systems, AC-DC converters, computerized system controllers, electronic technology, and energy management. Upon completion of the course, students may be eligible to complete the Electronic Vehicle Development Technician Certificate.
Successful completion of this course would prepare students to work as a job entry attendant in full- service gas station, drive-through tune-up/lube shop, automotive parts attendant and other services. A large percentage of these students who complete this course are accepted to Colleges/Technical Automotive Schools.